Wholesale Bag
Wholesale Bag

You can wholesale all kinds of leather handbags, leather shoulder bags, leather waist bags, leather handbags and laptop bags, which are one of the important complementary products of men's and women's clothing, with the guarantee of Guard Leather. All you have to do to procure wholesale bags is to contact us.

With our monthly production capacity of 10,000 bags, you can supply wholesale bags under the brand Guard Leather, which is one of the largest manufacturers in Turkey. If you wish, the types of bags that you can produce with your registered brand or with your own design are as follows; women's leather handbags, women's leather shoulder bags, women's leather waist bags, women's leather handbags and women's laptop bags, men's leather handbags, men's leather shoulder bags, men's leather waist bags, men's leather handbags and men's laptop bags.

You can contact us at the following contact numbers or e-mail address to obtain wholesale leather bags with a 2-year warranty.

Authorized Person :
Mehmet Akın İSKENDER

E-mail :


Phone :

0533 604 43 15

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